Promotion and Sales

For anyone reading this that has never run an event of this magnitude, it may be somewhat surprising to learn that selling enough tickets is what keeps me up at night.

Imposter syndrome plays a significant part in that; “Who am I to charge $25 dollars to play a game?” That thought permeates my brain every time I advertise anywhere, and the quantity of advertising I do.
Also it’s a fine line between friendly advertising in a given channel and spamming the channel so I’m always thinking about how much to advertise.
But on the flip side, if I cannot sell enough tickets then we cannot run it! It’s a real challenge.

To give you an idea of the scope of promotion, here’s the channels I’m pinging every ~2 weeks:

Reddit/Louisville, Discord/KYGamesDevelopers, Discord/GenConCommunity, Discord/MegaGameCoalition, Discord/MegaGamesInternational, FaceBook/MidwestLARP, Facebook/LouisvilleCardBoardGamers, FaceBook/NerdLouisvilleCommunity, FaceBook/D&DMultiverse, Meetup/LouisvilleMegaGames, Meetup/GamesOnTap

The ironic thing is that despite all this effort, most ticket sales are coming from word of mouth! And from what I’ve gathered from other organizers, this is fairly typical. And that’s wild because it means I’m almost completely dependent on my own outreach and the outreach of other control and players.

So a quick status update for you: As of 7 weeks away from game day, we’ve sold about half the number of tickets available. So not quite at my minimum goal yet but we have several irons in the fire. I also believe that as we get closer and people can see their schedules, we’ll sell some more tickets.


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Creating and Buying Components