State of play 2

Den of Wolves

I had to take a little break away from GAW because I had to circle back to DoW. I had printed off the materials several months ago but I became nervous that I wasn’t fully prepared and too engrossed in GAW design. I’m glad I did because it was not 100% for the components nor the other general organization (room, after party, food, assignments, etc.). I’m much closer now and still very much on track for an amazing event.

Gods of the Ancient World

I’ve been working on more of Ed’s feedback from my last post and am attempting to flesh out the world a little bit more with theme to tie it all together. I would say I’m at 95% complete for the mechanics and am now focusing on writing the theme and creating component prototypes. My wife does watercolor in her spare time so she’s doing all the artwork for me, including the iconography. With neither of us having done anything like this before, it’s taking a little experimentation to get watercolor iconography onto components which are easy to read at a glance. I’ve also been updating the website for the first run of GAW. If you sniff around the site, you might find some promotional material and some details on the game.

Here’s a sneaky peek at some prototype components:

Prototype components

  • The numbered tokens represent region loyalty and ownership.

  • The red and blue ladies praying are prayer tokens.

  • The two squares are soldiers for each faction.

  • 3 example buildings so I could see what the resource icons would look like when they’re very small.

The Dukes of Highland, LLC

It’s official, we are now a LLC! It’s very strange, taking a random name you gave your games group and turning it into a little business. But I thought that it was important to do so now that we’re putting on more events and knowing that the demand is out there. It was particularly important to form the LLC because we’re charging for our events and there’s all sorts of tax and liability considerations when you do that. When I begin to understand how this business ownership thing works, I might write up about my journey for other aspiring organizers. For now, I’m flying by the seat of my pants.


AAR: Den of Wolves, Louisville KY 2023


Designing a MegaGame: 9 - Outside Review