State of play

Subtitle - What the future plans are at the end of 2022

Den of Wolves

On December the 1st, I put Den of Wolves on Sale for March 4th. I let my newsletter email distribution know and posted on the MegaGame discord/MegaGame assembly calendar and that was it. No Facebook, no Reddit, no other stupid social media website, and I basically sold out in 17 days. I’m super-pumped. It tells me 2 things: 1) There’s a market for Megagames in Louisville and 2), I probably don’t need to advertise quite so far out next time.

Number 1) is interesting because whilst it’s amazing that I sold out so fast, it means that I didn’t need to do any advertising and therefore didn’t open it up to a larger group of potential megagamers. Louisville has huge gaming community that is completely untapped. I’ve been in contact with some folks from Nerd Louisville, a non-profit here in town that host a mini-con in the fall and they were telling me how many gaming groups there are in Louisville. Mostly I’m a stay-at-home gamer who has “collected” a game group over the past decade, but I think that many players leave the house and play in game stores which I have almost no contact with. I hope to change that in the future with this new connection to Nerd Louisville so we’ll have to see. I also think there are loads of stay-at-home gamers like me who play with friends at home.

If I stick with games that run 40ish people, I think we’ll be good getting gamers to play but if I ever decide to run more regularly or want to run with a much larger count, I’ll need to do a little more advertising outside of my “core group”. I probably have about 100 emails and I’ll need to increase that over the next year or so.

The other point of interest is that almost everyone that signed up, signed up in groups of 4. That’s amazing as it shows people want to play with their friends but makes things interesting when the game (DoW) has variable team size. It has meant that I’ve had to rejigger some of the teams and chop-and-change some roles to fit the player teams. It’ll essentially mean that I’m adding 3 players to the standard game which isn’t a big deal.

Gods of the Ancient World

If you had asked me last month where I am with GAW, I’d have said I was at about 80% completion. Since then, I’ve done a bunch of work on it and now feel like I’m at about 80% lol. Typical project manager.

I have submitted the unfinished design to the MGC council for consideration for Gencon this year (August) and plan to run it in May/June timeframe locally in Louisville. That’s nice because the Louisville run will be my trial-run before bringing it to the big audience of the convention. I’ll have lots more to say on the design in my next post.


Designing a MegaGame: 9 - Outside Review


Designing a MegaGame: 8 - More Playtesting