Last one before the day…

T-minus one day.

Since the last post I’ve been reasonably busy, but no more than a couple of months ago. That’s what you get by spreading out the work across months and being organized - it means you don’t have to scramble in the last couple of weeks. I even went so far as to have the emails drafted before I sent them, weeks in advance.

Over the last month-and-a-half, we play tested the second half of the military/Alien game. I think it was super important to do, to iron out the mechanics of the military movement but mainly to see the last act of the Alien story play out. We mixed things up by using a different play-tester for the Alien game and started on turn 6 just to see what he’d do. The second half of the Alien game is more more open so it was interesting to see the decisions he made and gave the Alien control a chance to see it in action. We made lots of little changes but nothing major - the story and mechanics we have for the Aliens is solid. There was a fear that a full team of 6 players wouldn’t have that much to do but I don’t see that being a problem - there will be loads to think about and tonnes of choices to make.

The rest of the time was spent finalizing components, printing out documentation and packaging it all up. Oh and the logistical stuff that we’ve got got to account for - the food, the pre-game emails, the survey, the team building, getting the building key etc. Again, if you’re organized, it’s not a big deal, I’ve had a running checklist of everything I needed to achieve and I have a master list of components and documentation that I’ve updated regularly. Now it’s all just sitting on my table, ready to pack into my car.

Check-in tomorrow is at 10:15 with the control team showing up at 8 to unpack, setup tables and chairs and maybe move a few movable walls around to partition play areas.

I’ll write a detailed rundown after the day so until then, good luck us!


AAR1: How it went


First playtest of… The UN